Community meeting on safety concerns at Tonawanda Coke stack demolition:

The infamous stacks at Tonawanda Coke are being demolished using explosives on Saturday, June 5th at 6am. We know that our members will have a lot of safety questions and concerns so we are holding a virtual meeting on Thursday, May 27th from 5-7pm. You can register at
Here’s a few things we know so far so you can share with your community:
  • The demolition is scheduled for Saturday, June 5th at 6am with a weather delay day scheduled for June 6th at 6am.
  • The demolition will use major explosives and will be very loud. The sound will likely travel for a few miles. They are using major explosive equipment to demolish the stacks
  • If you live very close to the stacks, it might be a good idea to close your windows during the explosion.
  • If you think there will be debris on your property, it will likely be hazardous.
  • If you plan to watch the explosion, it might be a good idea to wear a mask and/or goggles.
  • If you have other urgent questions, call DEC at 716.851.7220 and Jon Williams’ engineering firm at 571.752.6559
Please share this information with your friends, family and neighbors. We will be posting updates on our Facebook and website as we learn more information from the source.
Note: Change of location for community explosion watch event:
We will also gather on June 5th at 5:45AM at Fisherman’s Landing in Grand Island (1510 E River Rd, Grand Island, NY 14072) to remember all of those we have lost and to celebrate our organizing power for health and justice
Visit our website at for more information.

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