Clean Air Joins Peabody Residents in Concrete Crusher Fight!

This Wednesday the Clean Air Board of Directors vote unanimously to join with residents on Peabody St. in the Seneca Babcock neighborhood to stand up against Battaglia Inc.

Battaglia Inc. is located at 1037 Seneca St. Buffalo, NY. The company’s property line comes up against the property of homeowners and renters on Peabody St., a densely populated community  in South Buffalo. The company is a demolition transfer site, which temporary stores debris from housing demolition. Battaglia also engages in concrete crushing on site. Due to the activities of the company, there are a high number of trucks coming in and out of the facility, loading and unloading trash and debris.

The company has been in operation for less than 10 years. In this timeframe Battaglia has been cited numerous times by the Department of Environmental Conservation for violation of its 360 Waste Transfer Permit.

Clean Air became aware of the issue after our office has received numerous complaints from residents living near the company. Examples of complaints we have received as follows:

“The kids always have headaches from all the dust from the rock crushing, photos falling off of the wall from the house shaking because of all the trucks up and down the street.”

“I can’t open my windows because of all the dust from the rock crushing. It is hard for my kids to play outside because there are so many trucks up and down the street… My kids are always getting bloody noses and all I hear all day long is the beeping from the trucks.”

We are excited to work with the dedicated and courageous Peabody St. residents. Stay tuned to see this campaign progress…

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