Seguimos luchando por la paz en Seneca Babcock

The following is a message from Diane, long-time member leader from Peabody Street, marking the anniversary of us winning the shutdown of Battaglia Demolition!

‘It’s been three years today since Battaglia Corporation on Peabody Street was shut down by Judge Chimes. Desafortunadamente, we are still in negotiations to get it cleaned up. I have been working with Clean Air to make it a natural habitat. It’s a shame it’s taking so long, but I am still here, and will keep fighting for it!”

Desde el 2018 cierre de la demolición de Battaglia, la propiedad ha caído en abandono, con montones de polvo de concreto que todavía se arremolinan desde el sitio a través del aire del vecindario. La propiedad abandonada se ha convertido en un sitio con vertidos ilegales, y ahora está lleno de basura y desperdicios, atrayendo ratas. Residents on Peabody Street are fighting to obtain a comprehensive cleanup and the transfer of the title of the property to a community-owned land trust, which will give them the power to prevent future illegal manufacturing from moving onto the site and disrupting their neighborhood again. A ranked-choice, neighborhood vote in 2020 overwhelmingly chose to name the trust Tierra de Diane, in honor of Diane Lemanski, whose tenacity, resilience, and leadership have been the foundation of this work for decades.

The community’s vision is to restore the site to natural use, with soil remediation and plantings to reduce carbon and air pollution in the neighborhood. If you are interested in joining this work, you can fill out this form to get connected to next steps!

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