Una despedida de Julia – Grassroots Development Organizer

Dear Friends and Comrades,

I’m writing to let you know that Friday, July 16th will be my last day as Clean Air’s Grassroots Development Organizer. Three and a half years ago, I entered Clean Air’s office for the first time… I was interviewed by a group of Clean Air members that told me about their vision to build a community of members and supporters that was strong, loving, and ready to take on the most well-funded adversaries. I feel lucky to have been chosen to help bring that vision to reality over the past several years.

Through the work of Clean Air’s Membership Team and the grassroots development work that I have helped lead, Clean Air has become an even stronger landing spot for hundreds of people in our community to come together and organize for health and justice. I feel confident that as I head onto my next chapter, Clean Air’s inspiring staff and members will continue forward without skipping a beat.

Clean Air’s Membership Team recently put in the work to turn their vision into a mission statement: We believe in the power of organized membership to win liberation for all. We do this through growing our grassroots movement—financially, socially, and physically. We create transformational relationships rooted in mutual interest and lived experiences that enable us to organize for collective wellbeing that centers care, alegría, laughter, and celebration.

I feel humbled that I got to be a part of this community that is so caring, creative, and mighty. As I transition out of my staff position at Clean Air, I am excited to continue to organize for our collective wellbeing with each of you.

Thank you for an incredible three and a half years. While I’m leaving my position at Clean Air, I can assure you that I’m not going far. Buffalo is my community and home, and I will be sure to see you at the next rally, protest, formación, or event. After Friday, if you wish to reach me, you can email me at juliawhite7@gmail.com.

In continued solidarity,


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