Clean Air Coalition celebra una reunión virtual para abordar las preocupaciones de seguridad durante la explosión de una pila de coque de Tonawanda

Clean Air Coalition celebra una reunión virtual para abordar las preocupaciones de seguridad durante la explosión de una pila de coque de Tonawanda

Community organization holds urgent public meeting to advise residents on upcoming explosion on neighborhood hazardous waste site

On June 5th, 2021 at 6AM the three infamous smoke stacks will be demolished using explosives at the former Tonawanda Coke Site. When announced by developer Jon Williams of Riverview Innovation and Technology Campus, area residents and Clean Air members identified a number of key questions and concerns regarding the notification process and safety concerns of the monumental, though purely symbolic, event.

Clean Air members are holding a virtual community meeting for members of the community to address the pressing questions regarding the early morning demolition on Thursday, May 27th at 5:00 PM. Clean Air members and staff will share critical information for area residents in the spirit of using an abundance of caution while hoping for the best possible outcome during the historic event on June 5th.

“We are disappointed , but not surprised about the lack of critical safety information provided to the community regarding the pending Tonawanda smoke stack demolition. Clean Air Coalition has consistently supported residents; as well as effectively demonstrating that our community’s health and safety is not negotiable. While we are tired of doing other people ‘s jobs , we know that we are the ones who keep ourselves and our families safe”.

Maria Tisby Clean Air member and Town of Tonawanda resident

For the past decade, Clean Air has undertaken rigorous investigation of the Tonawanda Coke site, leveraging the passion and expertise of its members and other professionals. With a desire for partnership, Clean Air has presented the DEC, Honeywell and Riverview Innovation and Technology Campus with legitimate questions and concerns regarding demolition of the toxic smoke stacks at the Tonawanda Coke site. As these stakeholders move forward in the process, Clean Air has earned the right to have its claims taken seriously and addressed.

Tonawanda Coke es uno de los sitios de desechos peligrosos más conocidos del país.. En 2014 el sitio fue reconocido como la única empresa en la historia de los Estados Unidos que fue declarada culpable de 14 relatos criminales de violaciones de la Ley de Aire Limpio y la Ley de Conservación y Recuperación de Recursos, la ley federal que rige la contaminación del suelo de residuos peligrosos.

La reunión en línea se llevará a cabo el jueves, 27 de mayo de 17 a 19 h. Register at .More information on our safety concerns can be found on our website,


La Coalición de Aire Limpio se basa el poder mediante el desarrollo de líderes de base que se organizan a sus comunidades a correr y ganar la justicia ambiental y campañas de salud pública en el oeste de Nueva York.

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