Tonawanda Reads Session 2 Disscussion Questions

The second session of our book club will be held at the Brighton Library this Saturday, May 18th from 11:30-12:30.

We will be discussing chapters 3 y 4 de Criando a Elías, sin embargo, si aún no ha leído o comprado el libro, no te preocupes! te alcanzaremos. Preguntas? o para registrarse envíe un correo electrónico a

Capítulo 3: The Grocery List (and the Ozone Hole)

1.Was there a specific passage throughout this chapter that stood out to you?

2. Steingraber discusses in great deal the dangers of pesticides in foodparticularly to the brain. Do you currently try to eat organic foods? Do you think that eating organic foods makes sense?

3. En la página 66 the author talks about rules she uses with her children about food. What were therulesor lessons you learned growing up when it came to nutrition? Are your tastes in food similar or different then they were when you were a child?


Organic food

ADHD connections to food pesticides


Capítulo 4: Pizza (and Ecosystem Services)

1. What are your feelings on Steingraber’s ‘pizza experiment’ (pág. 87-88).

2. Do you think differently about the cost of organic food after reading this chapter? Why or why not?

3. Besides cost, what are some other challenges or barriers to eating pesticide free food?


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