Ayúdanos a llegar a Chicago!


La Coalición de Aire Limpio, la Coalition for Economic Justice, Barrio del corazón de la ciudad, y Hispanics United of Buffalo, along with our members are attending the Second International Conference en Participatory Budgeting Mayo 3-5ª in Chicago!

Presupuesto participativo (PB) es un proceso democrático en el que los miembros de la comunidad deciden directamente cómo gastar parte de un presupuesto público.

Check out this video to learn more about PB. http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=d7a76e4fc718437c43d63cba5&id=c776358063&e=a8a6e7b2cc

Back in October, Josh Lerner, ED of the Participatory Budgeting Project, along with Melissa Mark-Viverito, visited us in Buffalo to do a series of presentations to our members, partner organizations, funders, and the Buffalo Common Council. You can read about the Buffalo News’ coverage.PB brown bag lunch

We are in for a weekend of panels, presentations, and workshops, from participants, organizadores, and researchers of PB initiatives from across North America and the world. The conference will also include site visits to observe PB in action, and observations of the final vote for this year’s PB Chicago process.

Our members are doing their own fundraising in order to attend the conference. Please consider a donation that will allow our members to bring back knowledge and best practices for Buffalo.

If you would like more information on our plans to bring PB to Buffalo, call or email Natasha.

Stayed tune in late May for an opportunity to see PB in action! Update! PB in Tonawanda: cacwny.org/tonawanda-coke-settlement-project



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