Clean Air Coalition Wins Protective Order from Tonawanda Coke

Judge Paula Feroleto ruled in our favor on Wednesday and issued us a protective order!

In August, Tonawanda Coke demanded that we turn over thousands of pages worth of documents to the company. In order to comply we would have had to turn over every record ever generated, every phone call log, every e-mail and all databases. TCC also demanded publicly available government data, press clippings, publicaciones en redes sociales, scientific studies, internal memos, private health information about it’s membership, and all documents about: “any entities operating in a twenty-five (25) mile radius of Tonawanda Coke Corporation.”

We had made several requests for the company to narrow the scope of the subpoena. The company refused and dragged us into court.

Miércoles, Judge Feroleto ruled that the subpoena was overbroad and granted us a protective order from TCC.

Check out the coverage in El Buffalo News y Tonawanda Noticias.

Our attorneys were amazing! A huge thank you goes out to Jim Duggan and Neil Pawlowski who fought for us bravely!

Thanks goes out to all of our members for their support during this time. Your membership support made certain that our voices will continue to be heard, y assured that we will not back down when our health is on the line.



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